New Wineskin
Multiplication, church-planting teams
Contact us:
Call for info and prayers anytime
(512) 538-4544

New Wine
...New Wineskin Church in Austin, Texas

Welcome to the gospel of the kingdom...
..Where everybody is a minister and Jesus is Lord!..
OUR " BAG" (Big Hairy Audacious Goal)
Church full of pastors, ministers. Every member: a leader, minister and church-plater. New wineskin churches in every
street of our city, nation and  the world.  To present every
believer perfect (Colossians 1:28) for God's kingdom in the earth.
New Wine Gathering Church, Austin
          Celebration and Demonstration

Join us Every Sunday, 10:40 AM
(ministry starts at 10:15AM)
New Location:   
1100 Sam Bass Road, Round Rock, TX, 78681
Located at Sam Bass Market Center, Sam Bass Rd
1/3 mile West of IH-35, just past the railroad tracks
(Same as 1050 Meadows Dr, Round Rock)

Dynamis Thursday, Thursdays, 7:00 PM
Get directions or call 512-538-4544

To contact New Wine Austin, call (512) 538-4544

More than Church as usual! Church full of ministers.
Everyone is somebody. No exceptions!

Bejamin Anyacho, pastor

Break the Bondages; Breakthrough into the Blessings w/
Apostles Williams and Benjamin, April  8, 9, 10, 2011.
  But new wine must be put into  fresh                         
wineskins,  and both are preserved” (Luke 5:38)

“… the mountains shall drip with new wine, the hills shall flow
with milk, And all the brooks of Judah shall be flooded with water;
A fountain shall flow from the house of the LORD. And water the
Valley of Acacias” (Joel 3:18).

And I heard a great voice out of heaven, saying, Behold, the
tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and
they shall be his people, and God himself will be with them, and
be their God” (Revelation 21:3)

Preach, warn, train, coach, mentor and present every believer
perfect  (Colossians 1:28) for God's kingdom in the earth.

Welcome to Freshness.
Fresh Wine! Fresh Bread!
What's New Wine Austin all about?


Are you still searching...?

Are you searching for genuine relationship and deeper meaning in
life? Are you hungry for SOMETHING MORE THAN COZY,
COMFORTABLE, STATUS-QUO RELIGION?  Not looking for another
Church service to attend or club to join? Hungry and searching for
spiritual realities that transcend religious traditions? You are not
alone! More than 40 million American feel the same way. Jesus
remains the answer! This is where New Wine Gathering comes in.
More than Church as usual!
Send mail to with questions or comments about
this web site.
Copyright © 2007-2012 by New Wine Austin, P.O. Box 80374 Austin,
TX, 78708. All rights reserved.
Wednesday,August 10,  2011, 8:13AM    
What's the difference?

Everyone can make a difference. New Wine Gathering is not just another church that wants to look different. This is a New Wineskin
simple expression of Christ. Not religion, but relationship-vertically
and horizontally. Yes, New Wine is deeper relationship with God.
This is not  surface-level Christianity. We are desperate for
transforming revival. A presence-driven Church! Not program, or
present-driven. This is the gathering of those sick and tired of the
status quo. Engaging the culture, yet transcending the culture.
New wine is more than church as usual! Balanced.
New wineskin, Antioch-modeled, presence-driven,
demonstration, relational, and kingdom Churches, where
everyone is a minister.
New wine is for the whole family, with their whole potentials,
with the whole Gospel for the whole world

Gatherings at
1100 Sam Bass Road, Round Rock, TX,78681
Sundays, 10:40AM (ministry starts at 10:15AM)
Dynamis Thursday: Thursdays, 7:00 PM